Storytelling // Community // Advocacy

Photo credit: Britt Olsen-Ecker

I’ve worked at the intersection of storytelling, community, and advocacy for my entire career—from book publishing and literary non-profits to mission-driven startups.

I’ve supported underserved young women in finding their voices through writing, celebrated the global creative community, and represented authors whose work catalyzes social change, challenges the status quo, and gives voice to the underrepresented. I’ve championed literary achievement and the free expression rights that make it possible—defending a free press, elevating voices that have traditionally been marginalized, and advocating for the transformative power of the written word.

Now, I lead strategic partnerships at Harmony Labs, a media research lab, where I help storytellers and strategists, decision makers and dreamers, harness the immense power of media to shape a positive, pluralistic future.

My heart’s in New York City but I’m currently based in my home state of Colorado, with pieces of my soul scattered around Taos, Charlottesville, and Lima. In the hours outside 9-5, you can find me book-in-hand or eye-to-viewfinder. I like adventures and am never not searching for tacos.

Let’s do cool things together.